Le NINS lance un appel à candidatures pour son programme Visiting Scholars

Notez que des places sont disponibles cette année. Pour valider sa candidature, il faut déposer les documents demandés sur leur site internet : https://www.newmanstudies.org/scholars-program#about
The National Institute for Newman Studies invites applications to our Visiting Scholars Program for 2024. Admission is on a rolling basis, and there are plenty of spots left this year. The following are eligible to apply:
Experienced Newman scholars;
Emerging and developing Newman scholars (including advanced graduate students);
Non-Newman scholars seeking to connect their research in some meaningful way to Newman;
Scholars developing research in a Newman-related field, including the contextualization of Newman’s own time and/or the reception of ideas on which Newman focused.
If you meet the program criteria, please consider applying today. If you know of an advanced student who would be a good fit for the program, and who would benefit from a research-in-residence program that leads to publication in the international, peer-reviewed Newman Studies Journal—with the possibility of a generous stipend—please pass along this notice.
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